If you are a returning visitor of this site you might have noticed some big changes this past week. You might have been part of the change since some of them have been based on feedback from clients and non-clients alike in hopes of making the website better.
Here is a list of the following changes:
⦁ Homepage Update
The most common questions received about how SEO can help a business are now on the homepage to save visitors time.
⦁ Added SEO Services page
The SEO Services page helps with those who need more clarity in the work performed with SEO in general. There is a lot about SEO written online and “information overkill” is the result making the type of work performed in SEO even more confusing. Hopefully, this page helps clear up any confusion about SEO, the work involved, and how it can help your business.
⦁ Regular Blog Updates
The SEO Blog a useful way to get the latest SEO happenings on the site fast as well as educate visitors about SEO. This is also a way to help our clients (SEO blog readers) stay on top of any notable changes in SEO fundamentals that could affect SEO and as a way to increase the website’s own exposure in search.